Monday, September 14, 2009

July 2009

The month of July is almost over and the summer is flying by at a rapid speed. School will be starting back for Nashville students in the next week or so and the commute to work will not be as fun anymore. Trevecca starts classes back in a week on August 4th, so I have been staying pretty busy at work trying to get organized and prepared for the new school year and the new group of students. Daniel starts back to college at MTSU at the end of August and we are both pretty excited about the new changes that being in school will bring us. I'm very proud of him for wanting to go back and its exciting for me to see him so excited too.
We celebrated Daniel's 27th birthday on the 21st of July by going to Rock Island State Park down near Manchester,TN for a day of hiking, swimming and cliff jumping. We had a blast and the weather was gorgeous. Below are some pictures of our adventure for you to enjoy. We left with a few battle wounds and a bit of sunburned skin (mostly me) but it was all worth it.

We also went to Arrington Vineyards for his birthday for more of a one-on-one romantic date. The vineyard is out near Franklin,TN and it was a wonderful date. I packed a picnic for us of sandwiches, cheese and crackers, grapes, and apples. We signed up for a free wine tasting while we were there and were able to taste 8 different types of wine. We met a few neat couples that were our age and enjoyed the evening together. We even bought a bottle of wine to enjoy at home.

We had our summer conference for business at the beginning of July and it was held right here in Nashville at the Municipal Auditorium. It was a great conference and it really fired us up about being successful and growing our business. We learned a lot of new techniques on selling our products and sharing the opportunity with new friends. We heard a lot of great success stories from a guy that has been working with our Nashville team and that was really inspiring.

Well, that pretty much sums up our July. We look forward to an eventful August. I am getting to go to Grandma Foster's cabin this weekend for our family reunion and I hope to see and catch up with my family. Take care and God bless!!

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