Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm feeling "Risky"

Why is it that I have this desire to jump off perfectly normal cliffs into the water below? What makes me have the urge to jump on the back of a motorcycle? Why does learning martial arts all of a sudden thrill me? What motivated me to start a business with no background knowledge in business ownership? What possessed me to reach out to a stranger online (who ended up being my husband)?  I'm not sure what is happening, but lately I have been feeling rather risky. Am I just wanting more adventure in my life? Am I testing the limits of my abilities? Is God preparing me for something major? I hope its the last one.

I have been reading the book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. Its an amazing book and its stretching my mind to think outside the limits. I read this page today that resonated with my so loudly....

"Obedience is a willingness to do whatever, whenever, wherever God calls us. And that looks very different for each of us. It doesn't always necessitate going halfway around the world. Often the most courageous actions only require us going across the room or across the street. 

I'm not sure what lion God has called you to chase. It may mean teaching at an inner-city school or starting a business or becoming a foster parent. It may mean ending a relationship or beginning a new one. But one thing is for sure: You can't remove risk from the equation.
Part of me wonders if we've been sold a bill of goods. Is it just me or does it seem like some people act as if faith is the reduction of risk? They act as if the goal of faith is to eliminate risk so our lives are, in the words of the old hymn, "safe and secure from all alarm." 

Have you read the Bible lately? Faith is risky business.

The goal of faith is not the elimination of risk. In fact, the greatest risk is taking no risks. Isn't that the principle in the parable of the talents? Jesus commends the two men who take a risk and make a return. But the servant who buries his talent and breaks even is called "wicked." Why? Because he wasn't willing to take a calculated risk. Maybe risk taking is at the heart of righteousness. Maybe righteousness has less to do with not doing anything wrong and more to do with doing things right. Righteousness is using your God-given gifts to their God-given potential. And that requires risk. Maybe our view of sanctification is too sanitized. Maybe our view of Christianity is too civilized. Maybe we need to reconsider what made our spiritual ancestors heroic."

Go out and take some risks today...Chase your lion!!

1 comment:

  1. GO RISK TAKER GO!!!! good word to chew on! Our pastor up here was just talking about how we need to listen to God when He is nudging us to go speak to someone or do something for's amazing how many times we have conversation's with God in our head and talk ourselves out of it...just step out in faith and see God move!
