Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My New Normal

In the midst of tragedy, it's hard to feel like life will ever be normal again. No matter what the tragedy is, big or small. Well, I don't think I will ever have a "normal" life, but things are starting to fall into place for me again. I'm having to figure out what my new life is going to look like, and the fun part is...I get to choose!!

It's such a simple concept, but I am learning to set boundaries and that includes figuring out which people and which influences I will allow into my new life. I get to choose how I spend my days, what I do with my nights, and what attitude I will have through it all.

Lately, my new normal has included a very rigid routine (because that's what I like). I like my life to be organized and controlled...and since I can't control much, I try to keep to routines. My evenings lately have been spent walking the dogs around the neighborhood, meeting new neighbors, being chased by neighborhood dogs while jogging, cooking dinner, going to the gym, watching tv, cooking, listening to music, crafting/decorating the house and crocheting (for the many many baby showers that I've been invited to).

I am really starting to love my new life. I love my house and my neighborhood. I love that I'm learning to step out of my comfort zone to meet new people, to open up to people about my struggles, and to be vulnerable again.

I'm really excited to see what this Spring and Summer will look like. I know it will involve a lot of yard work, UUGGGHH, but I may learn to love it. I am eagerly anticipating the warm nights spent on my back deck, or in my hammock, watching the many colorful birds that live in my backyard. I envision nights on the porch of Cafe Coco with my best friend (before she moves away), and many weekends spent with my 3 pups at the dog parks. I look forward to Wednesday nights playing soccer in Mboro and the many free outdoor concerts downtown Nashville.

Spring symbolizes new life and I am so looking forward to embracing my new life this year. Its definitely not how I envisioned my life to be at this point, but I have so much to be thankful for!! I am blessed to be a blessing.

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