Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Great is Thy Faithfulness

I sit here this morning writing this and its hard to explain the feeling I am experiencing. The best way I know to describe it is "overflowing with grace and love." The past couple of months have been probably the hardest and most trying months in Daniel and my marriage. But as I write this I can say that we are coming out of that darkness and into the light of God's grace in our lives. I want to take a few minutes and just brag on God and how much he has been a blessing to us over the past couple of weeks.

Let's start with the weekend of October 7-9th. We were scheduled to have our annual Summit Conference in Louisville, KY that weekend with our business team. This is the one conference a year that new Diamonds are celebrated and its always a spectacular event. Well, leading up to this weekend Daniel and I had been going through some challenges with money since D was out of work. We had been having to pinch pennies and really watch our finances. The tickets to the conference for both of us would cost roughly $280 plus the cost of gas to get there, food, and lodging for the weekend. We really struggled with the decision to go or not. We decided literally Thursday evening that Daniel would go and I would stay home this time. He would be able to bum a room with some of the other guys and he could live off PB&J for one weekend. Well, we decided to post a few pieces of furniture and other household items on Craigslist that week to make room in our house and hopefully make a few extra bucks to pay some bills. Literally Friday evening we get calls from people asking to buy both pieces of furniture for a grand total of $150, the exact cost of my ticket to the conference. We took this as a sign that we should go and so we packed up and left to go to Louisville. We were blessed even further when we got there by some friends of ours from Wisconsin who graciously let us stay with them in their hotel room free of charge. It was a very humbling experience for us and we were so thankful for the extra measure of grace and friendship that weekend.

From that weekend, the blessings have kept rolling in one after another. Daniel and I have been looking to move closer to Nashville to help save gas money and headaches from the morning commute. Also, Daniel is going to start substitute teaching in Nashville and we both wanted to be closer to work. Right after we got back from Louisville, that Sunday evening, I was browsing Facebook before bed and came across a post about a house for rent right behind Trevecca. I thought it was a long shot, but I emailed the property manager who happened to go to school with me at TNU. He said the place was still available and we set up a time to go look at it. The PM, Ryan, was even gracious enough to lower the rent for us to meet our budget. So we found a house that is literally 3 miles from work and it will save us hundreds of dollars a month in gas. That's not all, Ryan and his wife have two doxies too, so Cooper and Sophie will have new friends to play with!

In the process of getting ready to move on November 1st, we have been packing and selling more furniture on Craigslist and Ebay. We have been blessed to sell enough to replace our dining table for a smaller version, buy a washer and dryer and hopefully have enough left over to buy a new couch and lawnmower. And last but not least...this morning I left chapel to find an email from PayPal saying we had another $90 purchase go through! Just more confirmation that Daniel and I are on the right path and that God is blessing our every step and meeting our every need! I stand in awe of his mercies every day.

So as we start this new journey in our lives with a new house, new job, and new ministry opportunities, I ask that you continue to pray for God's blessings in our lives and for continued guidance as we walk out his calling on our lives.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that things are working out for you guys! I think most everyone is feeling effects of the economy in their lives. But I always remember when I'm feeling down that there are always people who don't know where they will be sleeping tonight. And when you take a hit and fall to your knees, you are in the perfect position to pray. I could go on and on, but I'll end with sharing a quote from a favorite song of mine: "Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision, and the adversary says give in, just hold on. Our Lord will show up, and He will take you through the fire again." :)Have a great day and best wishes with your move!
