Monday, February 7, 2011

The first steps on our 90 day journey

Its a new year, but some old habits are hard to break. Daniel and I realized lately how unhealthy we were becoming and how out of shape we really are. We have been in denial a little bit too, but the scale doesn't lie. We decided to start working out and getting serious about our health. We haven't been feeling good about ourselves which reflects in almost everything we do. We knew it would take a lot of commitment and strength to get back into a healthy lifestyle. We decided to do P90X, and extreme 90-day workout that some friends were telling us about. I want to start by saying that I am NOT, let me repeat, NOT marketing the Beachbody line. I know a lot of friends that are reps for this company, but Daniel and I have our own business and we are marketing Nutrilite products. We started P90X last night and along with the daily workouts, there is a diet that we are doing also. I thought that I could use this platform to help keep me accountable.

Last night was day one of the journey. It proved to me just how out of shape I really am. I was able to do about half of the DVD and there were a couple of workouts that I knew I couldn't do because I just didn't have the strength. We finished our first workout and had our Nutrilite Quick recovery protein shakes. It wasn't even 15 minutes after the end of the workout when I started feeling my muscles tighten up and start getting sore. I ended up laying down on the couch and resting for a little bit while Daniel took a quick shower. I felt pretty bad last night afterwards and was pretty out of it. My muscles were very fatigued and I couldn't keep my balance very well.

I ended up not sleeping very well because my mind was racing for what seemed like the majority of the night. I woke up this morning with a major headache and what felt like medicine head...but I hadn't taken any medicine. I took a really hot shower and couldn't get my body temperature to go down for a quite a while. I still don't feel great as I sit here and type this at work. I still feel pretty out of it. I think I may be dehydrated so I'm trying to drink a lot of water today. I have to work late tonight, but then I will be going home to do day 2. I will keep you updated on my progress.

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