As I sit here typing out this blog, I smile because I know that as soon as Daniel reads that title he is going to know how to finish the sentence. It's another one of our many inside jokes. Anyways, I shouldn't have left you so long without an update on life at the Perry Playground. I realize its been months since I last updated my blog, and as always its because life happened.
Let's see, where to start....
My last post was at the end of July. At that point I was struggling with my role as a wife. I was utterly discouraged about what seemed to be the constant arguing that was taking place with Daniel and I. We were arguing over the dumbest things, and needless to say I wasn't feeling too "super wifey for lifey." Over the month of August Daniel and I talked with our mentors and started taking a course on marriage...and each other. George recommended a few books for Daniel to study, and Renee did the same for me. She gave me
The Power of a Praying Wife, and
Fascinating Womanhood. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm still not through either of these books, because again life got in the way, I've been lazy, and frankly...those books make me very angry when I read them. The reason they make me angry are:
1. they are written from a 1950's housewife mentality (which flies in the face of every ounce of independence I have)
2. they reveal areas about my marriage that I have to fix...not Daniel...ME!
So long story short, I read a little and throw the book, pick it up again, read a little more, throw it get the drift. On a good note though, our marriage is getting back on track and we are both learning to communicate better.
So, that brings me to late August, early September. School started back for Daniel again, this time with all his classes being online. School started back for me as well, with a fresh group of Freshman in my LEAP group. We are known as "Starr and the Giant Peaches." I am having so much fun with this group of students and they continually stretch me and help me to become a better instructor. Daniel has decided that since he is taking online classes this fall, then he will have time to pursue substitute teaching in the Metro school system. He has completed all the paperwork and background check and all that jazz...and is waiting patiently for the orientation. I think he is going to be an amazing teacher and that the students will absolutely love him.
Work has been pretty crazy the past couple of months and I have been working ALOT! But we did have a chance to slip in a couple of mini vacations with family this late summer/early fall. We were able to go camping with the Perry's in Missouri, and we celebrated Grandma Perry's 80th birthday in Indiana in September. We are planning a trip to Grandma Foster's cabin in Virginia with my parents and Kyle and Micha at the end of October. I'm looking forward to the quiet mountains and cool crisp air.
That pretty much sums up our beginning of Fall, and we eagerly anticipate the upcoming holidays. Be looking out for my next blog about the joys of house hunting! Blessings, and check out my photos on Facebook from our mini vacations this year.