Monday, June 2, 2014

People Like Me

"People Like Me" Mikeschair(feat. Matthew West)

What if I told you 
What would you say 
Would you stand by me 
Would you walk away 
What if my walls came down 
And you saw everything 
All of my weakness 
All of my scars 
All that I’ve hidden 
Deep in my heart 
For so long 
And I’m scared to set it free 
Show me a life that’s broken 
Can be redeemed 
Show me that you can handle my honesty 
And help me to know 
You’ll never let go 
Your love won’t ever leave 
Show me that grace was made 
For people like me

I confess...I am a tender-heart, and I cry at sappy commercials. I am a hopeless romantic, but life has made me a cynic. Each day that passes brings me one step closer to a heart that is tender again; the walls are coming down, and I'm allowing myself to dream again. I dream of what my life will be like a few years from now. I am allowing myself to dream about a new husband, a family to call my own, little red-headed nuggets running around my house being chased and licked by three crazy doxies. I dream. 

What does that dream look like? Well its not the super sappy ROM-COM plots that I love so much. Its not the mushy love letters that spew forth sap that I once dreamt of (but I wont turn my nose up to those FYI). My dream looks a little more realistic these days. 

My dream looks like long car rides from St. Louis talking about careers, fears, aspirations in life. My dream looks like sitting on the back porch with a glass of white wine, listening to 90's music, playing "Name that Band", or listening to swing music and dancing in the candlelight on a hot summer night while the dogs stare on in utter confusion. My dream looks like afternoon naps on the couch, with a man who actually asks for the dogs to pile on top of him under the blankets. My dream looks like shopping trips to Whole Foods, on a $6 budget to see who comes up with the best treat. My dream looks like night-time dog walks and fist bumps at the gym for pressing more weight than last time. My dream looks like baseball hats, blue eyes and a red beard :)

See, I'm still a hopeless romantic.